Computers, digital art, animation, and making OCs, HTML, CSS, JS, collecting stamps, blinkies, userbars, etc, modding consoles, listening too breakcore, lolicore, ambient, trance, rave, speedcore and electronic hardcore, playing FPS and rhythm games, reading darkfics, webcomics, manga, and forums, camel cigarettes, white monster, taco bell nachos, clovers, black, green, rainbow colors, ita bags, gingers....

c: base

Joey 17F . OC artist INFP . 9w1 Sx/sp .


Welcome to necro variiatiions, my first personal website. I am your braindead webmaster, Joey. Currently things are kind of a mess on this site. Most of my experience with coding has been through sites like and Spacehey so needless to say I have a lot to learn before getting this looking nearly how I envision it in my mind.

Here you can find a lot of the various things I've put together for my own amusement. I make OC centered art, sometimes fanart or animations sprinkled in... Maybe some little games here and there if I get off my ass and learn how to use Ren'Py again. But don't count on it. I am a very slow artist...

This site is mostly for personal stuff like my collections of stamps, blinkies, logs where I ramble about my various interests or life events. All of my interests are listed in my medialog, but the main ones are pretty obvious... I like Paul Dano, Goreshit, Homestuck, and coding mostly... All that good stuff. If you fw all that add me on discord :B

stamp  stamp

> About Me > Likes > Collections > Media Log > Extended Info > Music Player > Alt About > Return

Who are you?

I am Joey. I live somewhere in a trailer park away from the world. I like to code mediocre things for my own amusement.

What is this website for?
Nothing in particular. It's just a place for me to store all the little things I like in the world. For the most part I just collect graphics, and images, and rant about my life.. Maybe sometimes post some art or animations when I get off my ass.

Why neocities?

I've always liked sites with detailed profile customization. I used carrds toyhouse and spacehey religiously for years, and thought one day ''Wouldn't it be cool if I had even MORE customization?'' and have never went back since...

Site warnings?

I post eroguro, guro, and IDK just some weird shit here and there...

Can we be friends?

UHM YES !!!! Here is my discord :B I love talking to ppl!!

Sparklee Angel - Angel's♱Eyes// ⛤ XviD.hexM.mp3 ⛤ (sacred⛤magic)

Sewerslvt ⛤ This fleeting feeling

Regret ⛤ New Order