Wake Me Up When Breakcore Ends !

Welcome to NECRO VARIIATIIONS, my second room hosted on the web! This is my personal site where I compile alll the things I like in the world! My code is a jumbled mess. Most of my experience with coding has been through sites like Toyhou.se and Spacehey so I am still very much learning! I've always liked sites with detailed profile customization. I used carrds, th, and spacehey religiously for years, and thought one day ''Wouldn't it be cool if I had even MORE customization?'' and have never went back since... I have mostly just been teaching myself through W3Schools and looking at otha peoples codes and snippets online LOL.

About me !

 Soo, small website history aside a little bit about myself. My name is Jamie , most of my friends call me Joey though! :B I'm a senior in high school currently, living in a trailer park far away from the world... I am the oldest sister of 7, and as you can see I love to draw and code!! They are my biggest creative outlets... My favorite thing ever besides coding shit webpages is motherfuckin BREAKCORE AND LOLICORE.

Breakcore is my fav but I also luv industrial, ambient, trance, rave, speedcore and electronic hardcore! My fav artists are probably goreshit, lolishit, himeko katagiri, rapelord, dgty, and KMFDM, and record labels i like r psycho filth records and lapfox trax. Only thang in my mind is amen breaks and anime girls...

Right now I have a small breakcore CD collection in mah room along with a yuri collection... i am also a HIMEJOSHI. ALL I would do during summer school is read Yuri manga on dynasty reader.. My favorite is Maria-sama ga Miteru which I own up to Disc 4. My collection is small right now because I am sorta poor as u can probably tell by me livin in a trailer park LOLL. im not POVERTY STRICKEN but i do live off wic and food stamps its evil asff

Someday I would love to be a figure collector when I have more money and make/buy more cool stuff to wear! I love randoseru and ita bags, kandi, jojifuku, jirai kei, a couple otha things.. I also like camo stuff, a lotta band/musicians merch, and patch jackets are also super fun to work on cus i get to show off bands and musicians dat i like.. music is supa important to me if u cannot tell..

(Secret about me... A little guilty pleasure of mine is nightcore and hyperpop music... it's smthin i never fully grew out of.... shhhh..)

My game collection is off to the side, but i am mostly a fan of rhythm games, fps, and life simulators! OSU is my fav game right now but i SUCKKK as it!!!! I love to mod consoles too, mostly nintendo ones.. I have an orignal pink modded 3ds and its one of my most prized possessions, besides my wii, and computer which is where I spend all my time ...

SOO What to expect on this site.. I mostly just document my life an stuff, i sometimes host my art, animations, OCs, maybe even a few games if i get off my ass and reteach myself python an allat shitt. I mostly draw art of my persona and my friends! My tru ones r Syd, Hailey, and Nata!! (Nata has her own neocities too that u can check out here! ) I'm very introvered and like my own company a lot, but I also luv to make friends so u can contact me over discord if u wantt! (I don't use any other social media besides Neocities and Discord for the most part LOL)

Thank you so much for reading! I hope u have a guud day, whoever you are

Postal 2

Game Time: 62.2 Hours Achievement Progress: 50 / 89

Postal is my fav game series, I like all the games! Well except for Postal 3 because I haven't played it... But Akella FUCKED OVER running with scissors so I am inclined to think it sucks. I still like the Postal 3 Dude tho, and I am very happy to see he got a spot in Postal 2's DLC...

No More Heroes

Game Time: 4.4 Hours Achievement Progress: 1 / 20

I just started playing No More Heroes so I don't have a LOT to say but it's for sho one of my fav games as of now! I'm going in mostly blind, but I couldn't help but spoil myself for bad girls fight particularlly because her theme slapped so hard and she a cutie.

Splatoon 2

Game Time: 550 Hours Achievement Progress: N/A

I haven't been playing Splatoon as much ever since Splatoon 3 came out. I like Splatoon 3 a lot, but I felt kinda dissapointed with it.. And just kinda fell off. But it was my all time fav game for YEARS. As a kid, when Splatoon 1 had just came out on the Wii U I couldn't afford it so I would play Paper Mario Color Splash instead on my Wii and pretend all the paint was ink... Then when Splatoon 2 came out, I watched guide videos for MONTHS before actually getting it and felt like such a pro... Was pretty guud until I stopped playing. I main da splatershot jr and e liter

Postal Brain Damaged

Game Time: 14.6 Hours
Achievement Progress: 6 / 26

It's like doom eternal except itsthe postal dude... It's guud, the one I play most besides Postal 2, but a lot the humor is superr outdated thats what happen when u rely on memes to be funny.. the animated cutscenes are GORGEOUS to me though and I will always love it for that and I love brain damaged dude so I still think its good.


Game Time: 25 minutes
Achievement Progress: 5 / 27

Yah I don't play Postal 1997 a lot because I have redux which is the remake of it so I just don't see the point LOL but I still OWWNN it cus it's free if I am remembering right. If you like Postal but ur poor get dis.

Postal Redux

Game Time: 2.8 Hours
Achievement Progress: 4 / 25

HEREE is the remake of the first game. I like to play co-op with my friends occasionally. It's basically the same as 1997, but with better graphics and they removed the school shooting ending brah bring it back RWS why would u do this to me

Team Fortress 2

Game Time: N/A
Achievement Progress: N/A

I'm mostly a fan of the comics tbh, I don't really play the game itself even though I have it in my steam library and bought sum cosmetics in da past.

Needy Steamer Overload

Game Time: 19.4 Hours
Achievement Progress: 23 / 33

I am on a achievement grind with dis game.. its really fun to just turn off my brain and play sometimes in the background. number one game i play while multitasking.


Game Time: N/A
Achievement Progress: N/A

Good LORD I suck at OSU but its still one of my fav games ever. NEED to grind more

Tomodachi Life

Game Time: N/A Achievement Progress: N/A

I love having little versions of my friends and feeding them... and watching them procreate. My numba one fav game on the 3DS.

Ace Attorney Trilogy

Game Time: N/A
Achievement Progress: N/A

I've already played this game, but it was when I was super young and can't remember anything so I am reexperiencing it on my 3DS.. I think I also have it on my nintendo switch but i have zero recolection of getting it on that either.. But the more I play the more i just remember things it's like I'm unlocking vague memories. I know she has zero signigance outside of Turnabout Sisters but I am madly in love with April May
