Cake and Kewlz Haxorz - 8/25/2024 - (incomplete)

YAY first journal entry! HeLlO! :0) I ended up repurposing my old journal to be a microblog because I have a LOT more to say that can't fit within that condensed little space comfortably. I will be kinda rehashing my old entries because a lot of cool stuff has been happening of late. I talked about it a bit in my microblog, but it was my friend's birthday a few days ago and I wanna expand on that a little bit first because it was awesome!! Her name is Syd.. I post about her a lot here because she's a big part of my life right now and supa special to me. I made her this cake of kumamon. It was my first time making a cake but she said it was the best birthday eva and that made me feel supa good. We ate it in my room together, so I got to taste my own creation.. It was double fudge and I ate the fondant ears... I bought her a couple more things of course, but most of them are still being shipped rn which is super evil... But I think she will like them

I promised her I would buy this game she likes called No More Heroes, one of the gifts I got for her is related to it actually.. It looks dope asf and I was going to buy it but I'm short on cash now. Sooo instead I've been browsing a lot of forums about tech and hacking and it's really motivated me to learn more about it I'm going to be modding my wii so I can just play it on there and keep 20 dollars. I love modding consoles. It's a big hobby of mine but I'm not the best at it, and cant do it super often.. I modded my 3DS a bit ago, and I have tons of fun playing all the games. Idk what games I want on the wii besides No More Heroes and DDR though. I think I already have DDR on the wii, I have the dance pad for it at least, but idk where I put it the game itself..